Summer School

Each year we hold a joint Summer School with the International Society for Clinical Spectroscopy (CLIRSPEC). This includes offering bursaries for those eligible.

More information is available on their website:

A bursary is available to attend this event for anyone interested in joining the CLIRPath-AI network. The bursary covers all fees and accommodation for the nights of 7, 8, 9, and 10 July, and includes all meals and learning resources.

Eligibility for this bursary is based on standard UKRI criteria since CLIRPath-AI is an EPSRC funded network. This means that it is limited to UK-based post doctoral researchers, clinicians and academics. You will also need to demonstrate how your interests align with the objectives of the CLIRPath-AI network (for more information see here). 

If successful, you also agree to be a member of the CLIRPath-AI network and be included on our mailing list (note that our mailing list is limited to relevant CLIRPath-AI communications and we will not pass your information to any other parties). 

The bursary is non-transferable and only accepted for the CLIRPath-AI Summer School 2025. It is of no monetary value and cannot be redeemed for cash. 

All bursary applications will be reviewed by the CLIRPath-AI Management Team (clirpath-ai [at]

Bursary applications will open soon